The Importance of Gratitude in Our Daily Lives

Posted October 11th, 2024 by Urban Legal Recruitment

The Importance of Gratitude in Our Daily Lives

October is the time of year when we tend to focus on gratitude. The leaves turn colour, our gardens offer their final bounty, and many of us plan to visit family or friends for the Thanksgiving season. But the act of being grateful shouldn’t be reserved for official holidays. It’s a practice we can cultivate all year round in our personal and professional lives. 

Why Practice Gratitude? 

Psychologists have found that when people practice gratitude, they feel happier, more positive, and more motivated. This is true both in the lives of individuals and in the workplace. For example, managers and Supervisors who express their gratitude for their teams, even by simply saying “thank you,” often find their employees feel appreciated and are more motivated to work hard. 

“Gratitude in our personal lives results in happier, healthier and more productive lives. A culture of gratitude in organizations improves resilience, opportunities for growth and business outcomes.” —Stacy

While gratitude may not solve all problems, the consistent practice of acknowledging what we’re grateful for does add happiness to our lives.

Gratitude Leads to Joy and Happiness

Brené Brown is a researcher and storyteller who’s spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. In over a decade’s worth of research and 11,000 pieces of data, she uncovered an interesting connection between joy and gratitude

Initially, Brené believed that joy would cause people to feel gratitude because of all the good things in their lives. Instead, the results showed that it was the people who actively practiced gratitude who reported feeling more joy in their lives, revealing that gratitude leads to joy, not the other way around. Daily habits as simple as thinking about what makes you grateful or writing your thoughts down in a journal led to increased positivity.

“‘Gratitude can transform any situation. It alters your vibration, moving you from negative energy to positive.’ This is one of my favourite Oprah Winfrey quotes and can be applied to any circumstance,” —Shona

How Gratitude Shows Up at Urban Legal Recruitment

At Urban Legal, we have much to be grateful for. We’re in business to help people, and we’re motivated by seeing others succeed. When our clients thrive in their new positions or when we help a legal firm find the ideal candidate who fits the team culture instantly and contributes to the firm’s success, we feel grateful that we brought the two parties together and made those connections. 

Not only do we have the honour of changing peoples’ lives, but we’re thankful that we get to pay it forward and put positivity into the world. Our motivation for our work is based on helping others find success, and when they achieve that success, we celebrate! 

What Is Stacy Grateful For?

With Stacy’s wealth of experience in recruitment, she knows how stressful the job search can be for hopeful candidates. That’s why she founded Urban Legal Recruitment: to help people find the best possible opportunities to meet their unique goals and needs. She’s grateful to be in a position where she can support her clients and make the job hunt easier. 

When Stacy gets to witness her clients creating success for themselves in their new roles, the feeling is incredible. When others succeed, Stacy feels good about the work she’s done.

What Is Shona Grateful For?

In her decades of experience, Shona has seen first-hand how powerful and life-changing recruitment can be when you put people first. She is motivated by helping others find their dream job, whether for a better salary, more opportunities, or a change of pace. Whatever goals her clients have, helping them find what they’re looking for is what Shona loves most about her work. The art of recruitment is life-changing for so many clients and is what she’s most grateful for. 

Finding Gratitude All Year Long

At the end of the day, making a positive impact in the lives of others is the most rewarding part of recruitment, which both Stacy and Shona are incredibly grateful for every day of the year. You can tell by the passion and joy they bring to each interaction with their clients. Finding, cultivating, and practicing gratitude all year long is part of our work culture at Urban Legal Recruitment, and we hope this article inspires you to do the same.